The GEM Fellowship

What is GEM?

Founded in 1976 at the University of Notre Dame, GEM has operated quietly and steadily to graduate over 3,000 researchers, professors, entrepreneurs, inventors, and business leaders, including over 200 men and women with doctorates in the physical sciences, life sciences, and engineering.

The mission of The National GEM Consortium is to enhance the value of the nation’s human capital by increasing the participation of underrepresented groups (African Americans, American Indians, and Hispanic Americans) at the master’s and doctoral levels in engineering and science.

GEM recruits high quality underrepresented students looking to pursue Master’s and Doctoral degrees in applied science and engineering, and matches their specific skills to the specific technical needs of GEM employer members. Each year, GEM identifies and recruits more than 1,000 undergraduate students, graduate students, and working professionals for admission to advanced degree programs at the nation’s top universities. Our combination of graduate study and field-related internships make GEM fellows more marketable and more competitive upon Graduation. Employers looking for the best diversity candidates seek GEM.

Fellowship Designations

GEM’s fellowship programs span the entire recruitment, retention, and professional development spectrum. GEM’s principal activity is the provision of graduate fellowships at the MS and PhD levels coupled with paid summer internships . GEM also offers fellowships without paid summer internships through our GEM University and Associate Fellowship programs.

  • GEM Full Fellow
  • GEM Associate Fellow
  • GEM University Fellow

GEM Full Fellow

The Package:

  • Full Tuition
  • Fees
  • Living Stipend
  • Paid Internship with Sponsoring Employer

The Sponsor(s):

  • GEM Employer
  • GEM University

Degree Program:

  • Master's
  • Doctoral


A minimum of $16,000 stipend will be provided. For a Master's program, the minimum stipend will be provided over the length of the graduate program. For a Doctoral program, the minimum stipdend will be provided per year for up to five years.

GEM Associate Fellow

The Package:

  • Full Tuition
  • Living Stipend

The Sponsor(s):

  • GEM University

Degree Program:

  • Master's
  • Doctoral


A minimum of $16,000 stipend will be provided. For a Master's program, the minimum stipend will be provided over the length of the graduate program. For a Doctoral program, the minimum stipdend will be provided per year for up to five years.

GEM University Fellow

The Package:

  • Full Tuition

The Sponsor(s):

  • GEM University

Degree Program:

  • Master's only


Not applicable.

Program Specifications

The objective of this program is to promote the benefits of a masters degree within industry.  GEM Fellows are provided practical engineering summer work experiences through an employer sponsor and a portable academic year fellowship of tuition, fees, and a stipend which may be used at any participating GEM Member University where the GEM Fellow is admitted. The following financial package is for GEM Fellowships beginning Fall 2013 or later (i.e., not retroactive for GEM Fellows who began their GEM Fellowship before Fall 2013):

GEM M.S. Engineering Fellows receive*:

  • $4,000 living stipend per full-time semester up to 4 semesters ($8K per academic year – 3 quarters)
  • up to two paid summer internships with a GEM Employer Member
  • full tuition and fees provided by Missouri S&T
*Missouri S&T will provide a financial contract at the time the GEM Fellowship is confirmed per this recommended distribution of the GEM Employer contribution.

The objective of this program is to offer doctoral fellowships to underrepresented minority students who have either completed, are currently enrolled in a master’s in engineering program, or received admittance into a PhD program directly from a bachelor’s degree program. Fellowships may be used at any participating GEM Member University where the GEM Fellow is admitted.

During the first academic year of being awarded the GEM Fellowship, the GEM Consortium remits a stipend and a cost of instruction grant to the institution where the fellow is enrolled. Thereafter, up to the fifth year of the doctoral program, continued financial support of the GEM Fellow is borne by Missouri S&T through alternative sources of funding such as institutional awards, assistantships or other external fellowships. Continued support from Missouri S&T will be contingent upon the GEM Fellow remaining in good academic standing and making satisfactory progress in their graduate program. Fellows are provided a paid graduate level summer work experience through the Employer Member for at least one summer.

Ph.D. Engineering Fellows receive*:

  • $16,000 stipend in the first academic year of the GEM Fellowship
  • Missouri S&T provides a living stipend up to the 5th year of PhD program, equivalent to other funded doctorate students in the department
  • a minimum of one paid summer internship with a GEM Employer Member
  • full tuition and fees at Missouri S&T
*Missouri S&T will provide a financial contract at the time the GEM Fellowship is confirmed per this recommended distribution of the GEM Employer contribution.

The goal of this program is to increase the number of minority students who pursue doctoral degrees in the natural science disciplines — chemistry, physics, earth sciences, mathematics, biological sciences, and computer science. Applicants to this program are accepted as early as their senior undergraduate year, as well as candidates currently enrolled in a Master’s of Engineering program and working professionals. Fellowships offered through this program are portable and may be used at any participating GEM Member University where the GEM Fellow is admitted.

During the first academic year of being awarded the GEM Fellowship, the GEM Consortium remits a stipend and a cost of instruction grant to the institution where the fellow is enrolled. Thereafter, up to the fifth year of the doctoral program, continued financial support of the GEM Fellow is borne by Missouri S&T through alternative sources of funding such as institutional awards, assistantships or other external fellowships. Continued support from Missouri S&T will be contingent upon the GEM Fellow remaining in good academic standing and making satisfactory progress in their graduate program. Fellows are provided a paid graduate level summer work experience through the Employer Member for at least one summer.

Ph.D. Science Fellows receive*:

  • $16,000 stipend in the first academic year of the GEM Fellowship
  • Missouri S&T provides a living stipend up to the 5th year of PhD program, equivalent to other funded doctorate students in the department
  • a minimum of one paid summer internship with a GEM Employer Member
  • full tuition and fees at Missouri S&T
*Missouri S&T will provide a financial contract at the time the GEM Fellowship is confirmed per this recommended distribution of the GEM Employer contribution.


The summer internship at a GEM Employer constitutes the initial phase of the GEM Fellowship program and acceptance of such employment validates the fellowship. Failure to accept the GEM summer internship offer cancels the fellowship. Internships generally run for 12 weeks, however, small variations are possible by mutual agreement between the GEM Fellow and Employer. Summer interns will receive a salary determined by the sponsoring employer. Each intern is also reimbursed for travel to and from the work site according to the GEM Employer’s travel policy.

Each employer assigns an experienced engineer or scientist as a supervisor to each GEM Fellow. The role of the supervisor is to provide one-to-one guidance, support, and assistance throughout the assignment. At the end of the summer, the supervisor and the student each complete forms evaluating the effectiveness of the assignment and the quality of the student’s work performance and may include recommendations regarding the student’s next year of study or employment.

Employer-sponsored PhD Fellows are required to intern with the selecting Employer Member at least one summer prior to the commencement of GEM Funding. Employer-sponsored MS Fellows are expected to intern every summer after their selection until completion of MS degree requirements.

The company determines the assignment and location of the summer internship. Every effort is made to match students whose research interests are compatible to the needs of the company.

Neither the student nor the company incurs an obligation beyond the student’s completion of the master’s or doctoral program.

Current GEM Employers