The Trek to Transfer program will allow you to start your education at one of more-than 50 Missouri S&T transfer partner institutions and prepare for a future transfer to Missouri S&T to complete your degree, resulting in a seamless transition to Missouri S&T!

Trek to Transfer Steps

We will work with you every step of the way so that you can transfer to Missouri S&T without losing credits or taking unnecessary courses. Once a year we will reach out with a request to update your application information including the projected term you plan to enroll at S&T.


Apply for Trek to Transfer as a transfer student and receive admission to Missouri S&T for a future semester.


Apply for admission to the S&T transfer partner school you selected by going to their respective website.

Missouri S&T participates in the Missouri Reverse Transfer process that allows students who have completed credits for an associate’s degree at a Missouri institution to receive their associate’s degree even if they have transferred to Missouri S&T before completing the necessary required coursework.

If you have any questions, please contact our office at